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Tooth Plaque is a sticky film that forms when bacteria starts building in your mouth. It is when the plaque hangs around for a long while; your choppers pay the price. Plaque leads to decay and gum diseases.

You cannot get rid of bacteria entirely but can stop plaque buildup with the following five tips:

1. Brush at-least Twice a Day

All of us do brush, but the question is how often?
It is brush your teeth before bedtime or else plaque would sit on your teeth all night long. Also make sure to brush your teeth after having meals o remove plaque as soon as it develops. Use a soft bristled toothbrush as the hard one’s can be rough on your gums. If your brush gets worn out it won’t work well.

2. Clean between your Teeth


It’s not just your teeth where plaque gathers but it also hides in the spaces between your teeth. The key to get rid of plaque hidden in your teeth is flossing and various other tools. Brushing your teeth won’t help in removing plaque from between your teeth. Hence you should floss at-least once a day. Also there’s no such specific time to floss. You can do it after brushing your teeth or before, but do it without fail.

3. Swish with Mouthwash

Antibacterial mouthwash can be a good option in prevention of plaque. Mouthwash loosens plaque thereby making it easier to remove. A type that is good for you might not be good for someone else.  Do keep in mind that mouthwashes with alcohol can lead to a dry mouth. It is definitely not good for plaque prevention. Your saliva plays an important role in keeping your mouth healthy. A dry mouth can lead to plaque buildup which can be difficult to clean. You can talk to your dentist about which mouthwash is right for you.

4. Visit your Dentist once in a While


Though your plaque prevention happens in everyday, still it’s important to visit your dentist at-least once in a while. There are some areas which cannot be cleaned properly and hence you need a dentist. The spots which you have missed can be checked by your dentist to detect early issues.

5. Cut down your Sugar and Starch Level

As soon as you finish eating the bacteria rushes to the sugar left in your mouth and feed on it. The more sugar you consume, the more bacteria you have to deal with. Both sugary and acidic food leads to tooth decay. Eat them at long gaps in order to avoid problems. The worst among them are:-

In case you are facing a hard time giving up all of these, make sure to drink plenty of water after you have something sugary. Also try not to snack in between meals.

Prevention is always better than cure and hence you must take proper care of your oral health. Before your problems get bigger visit a dentist to put a check on it. Always remember that keeping a check on your oral health can ensure your smile will stay bright for the long run.

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