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Gums also known as gingiva consists of the mucosal tissue and is a part of the soft tissue lining of the mouth. Gums surround the teeth and also provide a seal around them. It is essential to keep your gums healthy as it presents an effective barrier to the barrage of periodontal insults to deeper tissue. Healthy gums are coral pink in light-skinned people whereas a bit darker in case of dark-skinned people.

What is gum disease?

Gum Disease may take place when plaque builds up under and along the gum line. Plaque is basically a film-like substance that is filled with bacteria. It can lead to infections that hurt both the gum and bone.

Below is a list of symptoms you might relate to if you are suffering from one:-


Your mouth is home to millions of bacteria. Bacteria feed on plaque and hence the more of that you have, the greater the risk of gum disease. Another symptom is if your teeth look longer than they usually do, chances are that your gums are shrinking.


If you are suffering from gingivitis your breath usually doesn’t change much. Bad breath is a serious symptom of gum disease. The bacteria in your mouth release toxins that can irritate the gums and teeth thereby leading to a foul smell.


If you sip of cold drink leads to wince remember your teeth are trying to tell you something. This symptom goes hand in hand with the symptom of shrinking gums. It is said that with receding gums the sensitive part of the tooth is exposed which on the other hand leads to sensitive teeth when exposed to cold water and air.


Gum disease can which hold your teeth in place, thereby making them loose. Periodontists can change the way your teeth fit together when you bite.

How can you keep your gums healthy?

Here is a list of ways by which you can keep your gums healthy:-


Make it a habit to floss at least once in a day. Flossing helps to remove the plaque and the food that’s beyond the reach of your toothbrush. Do it at night or do it in the morning. But just do it.


Your dentist can easily detect if you are suffering from any gum disease symptom. Early symptoms can easily be treated before they become serious. Professional cleaning is the only way by which you can get rid of tartar. It can also help you to get rid of any plaque which you might have missed out when brushing or flossing.


If you want healthy gums, you have to quit smoking. Smoking is directly related to gum diseases and it also weakens your immune system. Due to a weak immune system the body is unable to fight off a gum infection. Smoking also makes it impossible for your gums to heal once they have damaged.


Make it a habit to brush your teeth after every meal. Brushing helps to remove the food and plaque trapped in between your teeth and gums. Also, scrub your tongue as it can harbor bacteria. A battery-powered toothbrush is more helpful in reducing gingivitis and plaques as compared to the manual brush.


Make sure to buy toothpaste which contains fluoride as it is the best for healthy gums. Fluoride is very effective in brightening your teeth and also helps in reducing gingivitis.


Therapeutic mouthwash can help to reduce plaque, prevent or reduce gingivitis as well as reduce the speed of tartar development. A rinse helps to remove debris and food particles from your mouth. Also, it doesn’t matter whether you floss, brush or rinse first. You simply can do it your way.

Thus, when it comes to your oral health it’s just not about your teeth or how bright your smile is. You must pay special attention to your gums. Since it does not show any signs of pain, most of people tend to ignore it. Having a cavity-free pair of teeth doesn’t mean that you are immune to gum disease. All you go to do is follow the above-mentioned steps and also make sure to consult a dentist at-least once in a month. If you are looking for the best dental clinic in Guwahati, then you can contact Smile Care & Implant Centre. They offer treatment in laser surgery, implants, cosmetic dental surgery and laser treatment in Guwahati.

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